Tidal is making changes for Linn DS owners
Tidal is making changes to the way that Linn DS owners access its service through Linn App and Kazoo.
All Linn DS owners who wish to access Tidal from within Linn App or Kazoo will need to update to the next Davaar (Davaar 80), Kazoo and Linn App releases. The software updates are free and expected in October 2020.
You will no longer enter your Tidal username and password directly into Kazoo or Linn App, and instead you will be directed to a login page provided by Tidal. Once entered on the Tidal login page you will then be taken back to your control app (Kazoo or Linn App) once successfully logged in.
This process will need to be repeated on every install of Kazoo or Linn App.
Current pins will continue to work however we recommend that these are reconfigured from the updated version of Kazoo or Linn App.
Please contact ripcaster or the the Linn Helpline for assistance if needed.
Update your firmware using "Linn Konfig" (PC, Mac) - https://www.linn.co.uk/software#konfig
Update Kazoo (PC, Mac, Android, Amazon, iOS) from the Linn website - https://www.linn.co.uk/software#kazoo
Update Linn Ap (iOS only) - The App Store. https://www.apple.com/uk/ios/app-store/